Nature Boy

Nature Boy

martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Natural Friends

Lo que me lleva a...
That takes me to...

Ginger sobre Fred: "Nos divertíamos y eso se ve. Cierto, nunca fuimos grandes amigos fuera de la pantalla; éramos dos personas diferentes con gustos diferentes. Sólo fuimos pareja en las películas."
Fred sobre Ginger: "Ginger era brillantemente eficaz. Hacía que todo pareciera fácil para ella. De hecho, hizo las cosas muy fáciles para los dos y se merece todo el crédito por su propio éxito."

Ginger on Fred: "We had fun and it shows. True, we were never bosom buddies off the screen; we were different people with different interests. We were only a couple on film."
Fred on Ginger: "Ginger was brilliantly effective. She made everything work for her. Actually, she made things very fine for the both of us and she deserves most of the credit for our success."

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